Revision: Hold on to your hats, 2025 is here
To set the history straight, we must start with ourselves
It will be almost 5 years since I wrote an article in January 2020 entitled: "Hold on to your hats, year 2020 is here". - This article was originally written in Czech language.
Now at the end of 2024 I would like to revise it and also use it as a sort of comparison of where I have moved in almost 5 years.
Revision of January 2020
I'll take it one step at a time - in January 2020 I wrote the following points:
There is an outbreak of Corona Virus in China, which has already killed 132 people and will apparently soon infect the entire world.
Fires have broken out in Australia, killing over 1b animals and destroying much of the natural ecosystems.
There was an earthquake in Turkey that injured 1,000 people and killed 80.
At the moment, I no longer believe in any apocalypse or any truly devastating changes in the weather. The earth is a closed ecosystem and if more substances are released somewhere, that change will be reflected but there will be no collapse.
Another paragraph from 2020 reads:
Antarctica's glaciers are already demonstrably melting - the ice is the thinnest it has been in 30 years.
The warmest years on record were 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019
It's January 29th and it's spring weather outside
Obesity and health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle are the main killers.
Almost 30% of all people are obese.
There is a steady decline in IQ and many more people are addicted to the internet, cell phones, TV and video.
Basic services are collapsing, no one is taking responsibility for anything and 'digitalisation' is a word that is used but no one really understands.
I would divide it into two sections, the first section again is global warming and that's where I'm now convinced that these things have no real basis. And even if they have, I don't see how we can do anything to prevent it on a local scale. If there is a problem with water scarcity or higher sea levels then address it locally but applied global climate control is not realistic.
The next paragraph was correct. Obesity and people's health is indeed a major problem and we saw that during covid as well.
Regarding IQ and the internet my observation was accurate, in this case technology does indeed make us more "idiotic" than it did in the days of books and in turn allows for easier propaganda, censorship, surveillance and manipulation.
I also personally agree with banning smartphones for the younger generation, at least in school. They can use computer in free time or at home but not non-stop and during day. I would also like to see a return to stationery and a classical style of teaching that allows for brain engagement, social interaction and also sports and physical activity.
The collapse of essential services occurred at the first lockdown, followed by collapse of the infrastructure and the society. This is not due to climate change but because of the allocation of resources through subsidies. Subsidies lead to neglect of repairs, misallocation of resources and complete abandonment of innovation. Similarly, excessive digitisation is not beneficial and many tasks were more efficient in the classic analogue design.
Then I tried to predict what will come in 2020:
This is the year when the global economic crisis will occur.
Energy and basic resources such as food, water and transport will become more expensive.
The real estate market will decline or stagnate - there is no longer anyone to buy.
The price of oil, gas and electricity will rise steadily.
The climate will change, summers will be very hot, there will be hailstorms and torrential rain.
There will be conflicts between people and states around the world.
The role of institutions and states will be weakened, power and corporate groups will come to dominate more.
A clash between the older and younger generations will begin.
I have already corrected my position on climate and I was also wrong about the realities. This was because I did not understand exactly the mechanism through which printed money is pumped into the economy and also how the whole banking cartel works.
What has changed
Having gone through the covid, we could see how things really were and a lot of things have changed.
Collapse of society
At the moment I would say that the main problem is not climate change but corruption, the real breakdown of society, the absolute devastation of information transfer, the discreditation of science and the loss of any rational communication channels between people.
Realistically, we have about 80% of people who don't really care about (or understand) reality or that they are doing something that doesn't make sense. These people are so-called autonoms or "unplayable" characters (NPC). You just order them to do something and they will do it, without any consideration or thoughts. If you question their orders or oppose them, they will attack you because they have instructions that they have to carry out. I think that's probably the biggest threat at the moment.
What is very striking is that this is same all over the world. If someone had told me this before covid, I would not have believed them. And quite frankly I don't understand how evolutionarily these people were able to survive natural selection. Maybe they are the backbone of the political system or we are now one big global entity that does not compete with each other.
Social Networks and Media
The evolution of social networks and media has been very interesting. In my understanding, this is the tool that is completely dividing, spreading hate and pitting this society against each other. I would describe the current social media and newspapers as purveyors of hate, anger and government or corporate propaganda. There is really no other value there anymore and reading them only serves to understand who ordinary citizens are commanded to hate.
Regarding the economy, all the predictions we had at the beginning have come true. Inflation was about 100%, rent and housing prices perhaps even more. Apparently the situation may get worse in some respects.
Community relationships
When covid started I was 27 years old living with girlfriend in flat, playing sports, being socially and culturally active, having normal family and friends around. During covid I celebrated two birthdays, traveled a lot but after my decision to not take vaccine and question the lockdown policy publicly most of my friends disappeared.
I saw a few times classmates and former friends but there was nothing to talk about. For them any information about reality was unacceptable "misinformation" and there was nothing to discuss except the government propaganda or topics allowed by media. They are the group that, if threatened, would not flee or take any action to save them. Which unfortunately is also true for many of my close ones.
The Virus
Regarding the virus, I don't believe there was anything lethal. It was really just propaganda and a political charade to transform the economy and the system. Perhaps also to cover up the transfer of wealth, services breakdown, corruption and the unleashing of war.
In retrospect, I have changed my mind about a lot of things, and the academy has lost all credibility for me. I don't understand how educated people can have such a hard time piecing together the facts, not to mention their unwillingness to discuss them. Then they are really just paid government officials and that is probably the correct term.
Protest movements
Just briefly on the protests against covid. What I have experienced has completely changed my vision of society and the world we live in. Certainly history in this country and elsewhere has indeed repeated itself, there is no dispute about that.
What probably surprised me the most was the complete apathy of the people. I don't know if it was poor planning, woke activism or premature effort but there was no will whatsoever and still is no will to communicate or cooperate with people about anything.
Opportunities were many and anyone could have ask to join or ask for help or cooperation but in reality it was the opposite, people much more preferred to close themselves into their own bubbles, ignore others and in turn create more disputes among themselves.
For me, this means that society was already atomized before, and conversely, the protest movements, at least those formed in the beginning, contributed even more to this atomization. It could have been a mistake or ignorance or ego, power hunger or lack of understanding of situation but the fact is that organizing or trying to cooperate was certainly not the main goal of these protests. Their goal, at least here, was to gain political power for that particular group, not to fix the system or prevent damage for most of them.
Where is still the problem?
After past experience, I see propaganda, hate, censorship and the complete manipulation of society through social networks and media as a main problem.
This is probably the biggest problem and the solution is simple. Stop funding them, using them, promoting them, and generally paying attention to these things that promote anger, hatred, and evil in society. As well to give credit or hearings to discredited journalists, influencers, starts, actors, pundits, commentators, academics and all those who went along with the regime's propaganda during the covid.
New networks, custom forums, new blogs, and most importantly the understanding that most mainstream culture is just advertising or political propaganda can serve that purpose.
Also television, culture and the broadcasting of films and shows should change, ideally back to a pay-for-view format, with viewers forced to pay for quality and not becoming consumers of advertising and propaganda for free services.